What I offer to help you on your Path to Power

I’m on a mission to help women heal, have healthy habits and pursue their power


Our Community

Online Programme

1:1 Coaching

Talks & Workshops


Building a Legacy of Love by Breaking Generational Cycles

I am on a mission to help women heal so we break generational cycles of abuse, trauma & poverty

Following my own childhood of abuse - sexual, physical and emotional - I found myself in cycles of unhealthy! Unhealthy relationships, unhealthy body, unhealthy finances, unhealthy emotions and unhealthy spirit.

I struggled with managing my emotions, finances, fitness and had no faith in myself let alone anything else. I would find myself in relationships with emotionally unavailable men and know I was worth more.

I was scared when I first started therapy in my thirties and disclosed that I had no savings whatsoever, a heap of debt and would borrow money off my bestie every month just to get by!

I now know that I am a woman of power and purpose. Not just because of some of my external successes (still building) but more so, that of my character.

I have developed discipline and discernment and I now live a life of happiness and peace. Well mostly, I wouldn’t be Dominy if my little 15 year old ‘ghetto’ self didn’t show up every once in a while!

I interview people who have walked through pain and are using it as their power; transforming their emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and financial well-being as a result.

We have learnt that the internal shame that can keep us silent has only made the pain louder so, instead we are courageously and vulnerably owning our authentic self and finding the message in the mess!

Finding Freedom

Women’s Collective & Retreats

A collective of powerhouse women on our healing journeys sharing challenges and solutions around overcoming trauma and toxic relationships.

Join our free community for support, discounts and a safe space to connect

If you would like to join us at our next retreat in March 2024 then click here!

Find out more information about our community and retreats

Coaching, Talks & Workshops

I work with women who want to transform aspects of their lives and find their personal power.

I do this through one to one coaching or with facilitated talks and workshops. The talks I deliver are about overcoming childhood abuse and trauma, cycles of unhealthy relationships and how we can heal and transform our lives & turn our adversity into our advantage 

Develop Your Disicipline

Start & sustain your financial, emotional & physical transformation in just 90 days

Stop saying ‘one day’ and start saying ‘day one’ without the cycles of fad diets, unused gym memberships, broken promises to yourself and feelings of failure

Stop the stop starts and finally take control of your personal transformation journey

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